
What is Hidden Hunger?

Hidden hunger is the lack Micro-Nutrients such as Vitamins and Minerals.

When does hidden hunger occur?

Hidden hunger occurs when –

The quality of food people eat on a daily basis is deficient in Micro-Nutrients that are needed for healthy and active lifestyle maintenance.

When people do not diversity their food to cater to the adequate needs of micro-nutrients.

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Strategies to address Hidden hunger

Supplementation – A common approach to address hidden hunger where required supplements are delivered by means of pills or syrups. The limitations are that most pills and syrups contain a maximum of 1-2 micro-nutrients.

Dietary diversification – Diversifying the intake of food on a daily basis to augment the daily intake of micro-nutrients. There are practical difficulties in diversified food consumption such as appetite, capability etc…

Fortification – Commonly consumed foods such as breads, cereal, pasta etc.. With fortified micro-nutrients. There are limitations of maximum micro-nutrient intake.

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Science of Promalt

Promalt Nutraceutical products have been scientifically formulated around the recommended daily values for more than 30 essential micro-nutrients. The formulation significantly helps in over coming the limitations of supplementation, dietary diversification and food fortification. Please see each nutrient information in each product page to understand the science behind the formulation.

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